I can't believe Spring is already here and if your kids are anything like mine they are excited that summer is near. I have been really trying to keep them engaged during our literacy stations and small group time and these fun Easter/Spring themed centers are a sure win. My small groups are differentiated, which means their word work activities are also made to meet each group's needs. My on-level groups are currently focusing on reviewing diphthongs and long vowel patterns in words.
The bunny hop is a class favorite every year. The kids love using jellybeans for their board game markers and getting to eat them afterward is a bonus as well! I usually introduce this game in small groups and then let them play with the group during their rotation time. You can grab your copy here for FREE!
A great long vowel word work center is available for free if you visit my Teacher Pay Teacher shop. This is just a simple dice activity. The students will roll the dice and read and trace a word in the column. The first column to be completed is the winning row. I encourage them to use the words from the winning row to write sentences on the back if they are fast finishers. Mix it fix it can be used in a small group or as a center. I like to cut them apart and place them in eggs. The kids crack the egg and try to make the sentence complete and read it back to you or a partner. You can grab this here.

Last week our whole group reading focus was on drawing conclusions. I carried that concept over into our small group time as well with these awesome spy files! These were created by Teach.Talk.Inspire and you guessed it....FREE! You know all teachers love freebies and this one is a sure win. I added some magnifying glasses and manilla folders to add to the theme of spies. How cute are these?
I hope that some of these activities will be useful as we approach the last weeks of school. Share in the comments below what skills you would like me to add to my next activities for the month! I am planning some that can be edited to meet your classroom needs.
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